
Continental Engine Overhaul Manual Model TSIO-470 Series


Continental Model TSIO-470 Series
Publication Part no. X30033

Cover date: June 1966
Revised: August 2011



The material contained in this publication is applicable to Continental Motors Corporation, Model TSIO-470 Aircraft Engines. This manual is divided into 11 sections. The first section contains all information of a general nature concerning the overhaul procedures for this engine. Each section, 2 through 10, is a complete instruction pertaining to removal, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair, reassembly and installation of each major assembly, component or system. Section 11 contains all necessary information concerning testing of the engine after overhaul. As may be discerned by referring to the Table of Contents, the sections are presented in order of disassembly for the complete engine.

Supersedure Notice

This manual revision replaces the front cover and list of effective pages for Publication Part No. X30033, dated June 1966. Previous editions are obsolete upon release of this manual.

Effective Changes for this Manual

List of Effective Pages :
Document Title: TSIO-470 Series Engine Overhaul Manual
Publication Number: X30033 Initial
Publication Date: June 1966

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